"An invisible minority has suddenly turned up in all 50 states - and if they haven't already, they'll be coming out soon, at a school near you," he writes.
As someone who is Chinese, I see these casual slurs become acceptable because they are cast over an 'invisible minority'.
I would like to hear the candidates include the issues relevant to those of us struggling as single Americans for a change, instead of being considered as merely the silent or invisible minority.
These in-your-face cars made a proud but almost invisible minority highly visible, in part because they were reviled by the white mainstream, especially the police here.
The event came in the wake of the abolition of Section 28 and is intended to raise awareness of, and combat prejudice against, an otherwise substantially invisible minority.
Yusuf Wehebi from LGBT Muslim advocacy group Imaan said: "It is high time that the invisible minority became a visible minority.
She calls these persecuted groups "invisible minorities" in the United States because they are often of European heritage.
The advent of the reformist age during the 19th century meant that those invisible minorities or marginalized majorities were to find a catalyst and a microcosm in such new tendencies of reform.
The qualifier "visible" is used to distinguish such minorities from the "invisible" minorities determined by language (English vs. French) and certain distinctions in religion (Catholics vs. Protestants).