The world is filled with supernatural oddities and characters, such as cardboard working class citizens, an invisible dog, a skeleton-led train and a weird circus.
He also frequently refers to his invisible dog, "Billy".
Neil, the St. Bernard, loves martinis and a running gag is the invisible dog lapping up the drink.
Half monster, half a walloping, invisible dog.
Amanda wouldn't give any money for the invisible dog, but she did offer to trade for him four of her wishes and three of her dreams.
"To strange beginnings, mysterious neighbors and invisible dogs."
Scooter had jumped into his lap and sat there shaking; Sarge rubbed the dog's invisible black-and-white-spotted hide with nervous fingers.
Then an invisible dog, in the form of a sudden breeze, scampered across the porch, lashing Maria with its tall.
In the 1970s the novelty concept of the invisible dog was invented here.
Unable to stand the barking of an invisible dog, Sebastian kills it by brutally smashing it against the cage wall.