They're all linked in a "Crash"-like story about the invisible connections among strangers.
Filonov is a revolutionary who believed in changing the world by revealing its invisible connections.
The completed wire wound coils use reflected light to make visible invisible connections between time and frequency.
Most of all, it is to inform Americans about our enormous, and too often invisible, personal connection to it.
These new areas of concern in science included integrative processes, invisible connections, historical development, and natural wholes.
She had grasped her totem in her fist and thrust it into my head, a symbol of the invisible connection she was making through the Net.
He was doing this to emphasize and clarify someone else's invisible connection with that indefinable abstract.
It is a poetic setting, one which suggests inner meanings and invisible connections.
He felt that he had made some invisible connection with the strange woman.
He thought about those invisible connections, the creeping circuitry that linked every sick thing to every other sick thing.