Within a month, there would be an invincible army of sixty thousand men and four hundred galleys lying before Asyut.
They say Efrel has brought him back from the dead to create an invincible army for her conspiracy.
Like an invincible army of soldiers, it advances through brain tissue, leaving spongy holes behind.
Crassus could be ruthless when surrounded by an invincible army.
Now an invincible army climbs the summit of the Mount unhindered.
They sang of the tragic fall of Constantinople to the invincible Turkish army.
Was it possible that his seemingly invincible army had a secret weakness?
They pay us tribute in goods and currency, for fear of our invincible armies.
To the south the once invincible army of Makedon was fleeing in disorder.
However, for the few days that their pseudo-life endured they were an almost invincible army, immune to weariness and fear.