It wouldn't make the new investors wonder why they were being asked to pay a higher price after just a short period of time.
So investors may be wondering whether the bottom of the market is lower than they thought.
During the first three months of the year, many investors wondered just how much worse things could get in the stock market.
And large investors openly wonder whether he has what it takes.
Now investors are turning to the future, and wondering whether the case could be repeated.
Many investors wonder, he said, "whether management has a free hand to do what's good for shareholders."
But parallels with the late 1990's should make investors wonder whether there is more room above today's price than below it.
And the sell-off has probably been enough to make many investors wonder what they should do next.
At the time, many investors wondered whether the company had known of the problems when it gave the three executives the grant.
Investors may wonder how long it will last, but for now, American consumers can spend with a clear economic conscience.