The subsequent crash sent shell-shocked investors scurrying for cash and bonds, not fancy derivatives and dollar accounts.
On Tuesday, the Federal Open Market Committee sent investors scurrying with an unusually ambiguous statement hinting at continued low rates and a gradual tightening of policy next year.
Then there was the report that Robert Prechter, a widely followed analyst, had turned bearish, and that sent investors scurrying out of stocks.
And a week of market volatility like the past one is just what sends more investors scurrying to sign up.
Sharp losses by United States stocks late last week sent investors scurrying for a safe haven in the bond market.
LAST October's stock market collapse sent investors scurrying for safety.
The plunge in equity prices sent investors scurrying into the secondary market for Treasury notes and bills.
In fact, the market's surge has sent investors scurrying for stocks missed by other investors.
Then Latin America heated up - that is, until the Mexican peso went bust, which sent investors scurrying back to the Pacific Rim.
TURMOIL in global equity markets has sent investors scurrying for the safety of United States Treasury bonds.