In the short term, analysts said investors would probably profit by owning one of only two major Chinese phone companies.
Also, earlier investors would profit more, thus rewarding them for investing in artists before they became more popular.
The practice allows big investors to profit at the expense of long-term fund shareholders.
He believes, as do many Americans, that an investor his age will profit in the long run by holding on.
The savings units will be priced more attractively so that potential private investors can profit, he said.
Still, if they move with caution, investors can profit handsomely from a baby boom approach.
The authors explain how investors, entrepreneurs, and individuals can profit from technological innovation in these areas.
In both instances, investors profited, and the market became more truly efficient.
Until yesterday, long-term investors in the company were profiting handsomely.
That doesn't mean a careful investor cannot profit from a strategy centered on buybacks.