Elsewhere, a handful of investors continue to scrounge up deals that fit their investment requirements.
He says: 'As the recession deepened clients looked for a greater degree of measurability and a lower investment requirement.
In addition to such high and non-liquid capital assets the investment requirements of modern commercial farming are considerable.
There are also individual clients who meet the minimum investment requirement of $1 million.
Analysts said the action reflected the slowdown in new military aircraft programs, which reduced the company's investment requirements and made the cash available.
Therefore, in industries with large initial investment requirements, average total cost declines as output increases over a much larger range of output levels.
EnTrust also waived its usual minimum investment requirement of $1 million.
The fund had a minimum investment requirement of $50,000.
"The returns in the business have come down and at the same time the investment requirements have gone up."
Most hedge funds have a minimum investment requirement of $1 million, making the accredited investor definition seem redundant.