The unfavorable investment climate has caused foreign investment inflows to dwindle to a trickle.
Foreign-invested enterprises produce about half of China's exports, and China continues to attract large investment inflows.
But the government is continuing its campaign, begun after Asia's economic crisis, to shift growth from an earlier dependence on exports and foreign investment inflows to domestic spending.
China's economic engine, still dependent on export revenue and foreign investment inflows to keep its people employed, would probably sputter and slow to a crawl.
Mauritius has attracted US$10.98 billion in Foreign direct investment inflows.
Meanwhile, foreigners won't keep lending us $500 billion each year; in fact, private investment inflows into the United States have already dried up.
Subject to the continuation of investment inflow to the enterprise, the production will be developed, new jobsites will be created.
The government reports foreign investment inflows totaled $506 million in 2008, including $123 million in telecommunications infrastructure and $120 million in energy generation.
After freeing the industry in 2004-2005 from a number of limitations, primarily financial, the government gave a green light to massive investment inflows - both domestic and foreign.
The combination of revolutionary policies and a negative business climate brought about a sharp reversal in the trend of direct investment inflows from abroad.