The investment did not generate the anticipated returns, leading to a decision to pull out of the area.
It can take many months or years before the investment generates sufficient return to pay back its cost, and hence the finance is long term.
However, these investments did not generate the improved productivity and profits necessary to justify them.
A £12,000 investment would generate an annual income of £882 for taxpayers.
By the year 2000, such an investment would generate 623 jobs at the port, the study said.
The investment generates jobs, income and a willingness to spend, especially when tax cuts allow a family to keep more of its wages.
But at the same time, he said, people are highly likely to spend dividends and other earnings that their investments generate.
Her initial $1,000 investment had generated nearly $100,000 when she stopped trading after ten months.
An investment of $2 a day would generate more than $12,000 by the time a child reached high school.
He said his investments were not generating enough money to meet his obligations.