However, where a pension fund acquires US equities through a separate investment entity, dividend income will typically attract withholding tax.
The quota is the highest to be granted by China to foreign investment entities.
Mr. Soros and investment entities he controls have had substantial Fairchild holdings for at least the past two years.
It seeems probable that some of the properties in Portfolio I will go to investment entities that hire management rather than do their own.
The pool will continue as an investment entity.
In late 2006, Stereogum received an influx of capital through Bob Pittman's private investment entity The Pilot Group.
Temasek Holdings, the investment entity of the Singapore government, appoints the first non-local to its board of directors.
If the decisions on holdings are made by independent investment entities, there is no need to aggregate holdings inside one group of companies.
"It is always important to establish that any investment entity needs to explain the nature of the risk involved."
Catlin was a joint venture with an investment entity called Black Thunder.