Additionally, a private investigator, David Lawson, wrote a book about his investigation into these groups.
The screening guidelines "either have not been heard or have been ignored," the investigators wrote.
The prosecution's investigator wrote in his report that he was unable to understand the time frame in which any of the incidents occurred.
The investigators wrote that the chance that a white woman 50 to 94 years of age will die from heart disease is 31 percent.
In the old system, defendants' assignment to the diversion program would wait while investigators from the probation department wrote long and largely pointless reports.
An investigator for the authority's inspector general wrote in a report after the fire that, given the circumstances, the outcome could have been "far more disastrous."
"These success rates are quite remarkable," German investigators wrote in 2008.
In six months, investigators have made about 6,000 visits to sellers and have written 307 reports of noncompliance.
"The captain stated that the airplane rolled to the left as soon as it became airborne," investigators wrote.
As the investigators wrote, the doctors "did not wish to directly confront problems or face choices."