He and other investigators refused to provide more details of the problem, citing the classified nature of the system.
The investigator refused to say what a witness was telling the police.
During a 1999 inspection, investigators refused to fully examine rooms because they were so fetid.
Mr. Starr's investigators have refused to put a deadline on their work.
No investigator in his senses would refuse to investigate a compound because it did unexpected things.
But investigators refused to confirm whether they knew of a suspect or witness in the case.
The investigators refused to identify the administrators or the plans.
Or is there, at times, a more insidious process at work, in which investigators cut corners and then refuse to admit when they are wrong?
Soviet investigators refused this conclusion and stated that the accident was caused by an explosion near a tail of the plane.
The investigator refused to comment after the hearing, but he did say: "Who knows where I will be soon?"