The investigators recommended that the nine officers, four of them generals, be subjected to disciplinary action.
In the 1984 investigation of boxing in New Jersey, for example, investigators recommended that this be abolished.
The supervisor then failed to notify the department's Harbor Unit, as required under a new procedure, and internal investigators recommended disciplinary action against him.
The investigators recommended that the aides be fired and forwarded their findings to the Bronx district attorney's office.
The investigators concluded that the targets might be difficult to see from the air, and recommended that the Army should improve its management of the range.
"In October when the investigator recommended going this route, we did not have these details," she said.
The investigators recommended action against the two men under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, he said.
Ms. Gilligan said the investigator recommended that airlines be notified.
The investigators recommended prosecution, but the agency took no enforcement action.
The bottom line is that it was all a big mistake, and investigators did not recommend any disciplinary action against anyone involved.