On call seven days a week, the forensic investigator must provide timely service, since much forensic evidence is, by definition, perishable.
Some early private investigators provided armed guards to act as a private militia.
But investigators provided an intriguing explanation for why other cities appeared to have similar rings of deaf peddlers.
The investigator could provide the background he needed, then Dash would finish the job.
Then he realized that the investigator had two guns, and would probably provide him with one.
This is information that the investigator provided to the scientist to test scientifically, based on the investigative process that is outside the realm of science.
A senior Defense Department official said investigators were providing updated information on the conduct of a few of the admirals who attended the convention.
In addition, investigators last night provided further details about the aircraft's final moments.
Policy: With photographic and written documentation, the investigator will provide a permanent record of evidence that is on the body.
The sole physical description investigators could provide of the suspect was that he was black and wearing a tan jacket.