The investigators worked through Friday night and met Saturday morning to compare notes and receive new assignments.
The investigators met at nine o'clock that morning to review the situation and reach a consensus.
In attempting to establish the history of the item, the investigators will meet with experts, particularly historians, to gain historical context.
The two investigators visited the station and met the station master, who said that the whole line would be closed the following year.
SCAN investigators will meet with a property owner, or send a warning letter, to try and solve the problem informally before taking legal action.
I think it means Purcell wants us to believe his investigator met with your father.
Moreover, investigators say that none of the defectors directly passed along money to Mr. Gotti and most never met him.
He said investigators had met with Federal and state officials and were trying to determine whether the deaths were a result of interfamily strife.
In Bosnia, investigators met strong resistance in the regions under Bosnian Serb control.
At first, investigators met only silence.