There was a dullness about the stones that another investigator might have attributed to the gloomy light.
An unpredicted peak was observed at 9.65 micrometres, which the investigators attributed to clouds of silicate dust.
However, investigators attribute the cries to the high-pitched hum of truck traffic on the nearby interstate highway, not visible from the area of the ruins.
Some investigators have attributed the onset of puberty to a resonance of oscillators in the brain.
The investigators primarily attributed the left wing's sharp drop to the excessive weight of the fuel at its outboard end.
Others refused to repeat on the stand the statements that Mr. Garrison's investigators had attributed to them.
The investigators attribute this closer kinship to a major influx from there in the early and middle Neolithic, which they date to the 8th-6th millennia BP.
Another unpredicted peak was observed at 9.65 micrometres, which the investigators attributed to clouds of silicate dust, a phenomenon not previously observed.
Airbus executives point out that investigators attributed all of those crashes to factors unrelated to the planes' airworthiness.
Some investigators attributed this decline to the CSI effect, as crime shows often explain in detail how criminals can conceal or destroy evidence.