Several investigators have attempted to culture biliary cells but the methods described have tended to be complicated and difficult to apply.
Over the past few years, several investigators have attempted to map the large-scale structural architecture of the human cortex.
Other investigators have attempted to build whole-brain connection matrices from diffusion imaging data.
Coroner's investigators will attempt to identify the victim through dental records.
In these, city-paid private investigators attempted to illegally purchase handguns for other people (known as a "straw purchase").
Aided by a sonar, investigators attempted to discover the plane's debris in deeper water near the mid-channel point of the Hudson.
He said investigators were "attempting to determine if the patient removed the breathing apparatus herself or if someone else removed it."
It was not yet known what the dispute was about, officials said, but investigators were attempting to locate the suspect.
Despite this, some investigators have attempted to highlight some events that they use to try approximating this phenomenon.
Even so, several investigators have attempted to measure the incubation period for leprosy.