The investigators appear to have come up with little evidence beyond Mr. Quick's testimony.
He has access to seemingly unlimited funds, investigators said, and appears to have spent years building a fictional life story.
Now, amid the protests, investigators appear to be mounting a new effort.
Both victims had multiple slash wounds, apparently made by a machete, an investigator said, but did not appear to have been robbed.
History of dissection - During ancient times, investigators appeared to largely limit themselves to non-human animals.
The American investigators, however, appeared to be skeptical that the evidence presented matched the large casualty reports.
Before and after this time investigators appeared to largely limit themselves to animals.
The investigators appear to be tracing the steps that led to the pension fund's recent shortfall of $5.8 billion, and whether Northwest violated any laws.
At the same time, investigators appeared to be uncertain about the scope of the entire operation, particularly in cities outside the Northeast.
A so-called private investigator, once the second waitress, appears, but she is, in fact, yet a different - a third, if you're counting - woman.