A prosecutor cannot sensibly decide whether to charge until an investigation has unearthed all the evidence.
The investigations, she explained, did not unearth significantly more welfare fraud cases in comparison with what the department was already finding.
A deeper investigation might have unearthed things nobody wanted brought to the surface.
The investigation of the murder of an officer, a general's daughter, unearths scandals in the military.
Her investigations into a possible art fraud unearth something quite unexpected.
A three-year investigation, which has already cost the university $462,000 and will amount to about $600,000 before all bills are paid, unearthed the violations.
The investigation will further unearth all the secrets the family has been hiding for decades.
The following day's investigation unearthed no clue to the identity of the boatman.
Mr. Freeh said the investigation had not unearthed enough evidence to charge him at the time.
Human rights advocates still hope the investigation will unearth clues to the fate of 184 Honduran political prisoners who disappeared during the 1980's.