An investigation exposed Monk as a fraud, but the book nonetheless sold hundreds of thousands of copies over the next 15 years.
The investigation has exposed a system in which exam boards aggressively compete with one another to win "business" from schools.
The investigation by the Telegraph has exposed that the things we have been relying on so far are probably insufficient.
Since 1979, audits and investigations have exposed problems of management at the agency, and a disturbing study just released confirms them once again.
In January 2010, a criminal investigation exposed a grade changing scandal at Churchill.
Prior to 2004, criminal investigations in Victoria had exposed alleged links between the underworld and police.
The investigation also exposed how Manchester United had a secret fund for bribing parents of young players the club wished to recruit.
That investigation exposed glaring gaps in disciplinary procedures.
Its investigation exposed fraudulent medical billing at Prime Healthcare Services.
The investigation, he said, had exposed "a pattern of predatory conduct."