It was largely through his dealings with this contractor, United Gunite, that the investigation into Barnes deepened, as the firm had been accused of paying bribes to many municipal officials statewide.
The Chinese public also believes that as the investigation deepens, the number of confirmed patients who died or were disabled would certainly increase.
As Leland's investigation deepens he uncovers evidence of corruption and murder.
As the investigation deepens, Deena discovers Walker's past as Diamond as well as his relationships with Retro Girl and the controversial superhero Zora.
The investigation deepened.
"I am totally determined that the investigation of these criminal acts deepen, regardless of the consequences and who has committed them," the President said in a speech broadcast this week.
But the psychological investigations have deepened.
"It's not a simple question," she said recently, but "it's obvious that as the investigations deepen, an institutional model for the question of games of chance is going to be delineated in Brazil."
As the investigation deepens, Paul warns Ben to pull out, due to the possibility of harm to his family.
After a day of mourning, questioning and investigation, the mystery of what drove him only deepened today.