The Telegraph understands that the investigation centres on the alleged "blagging" of personal data.
Increasingly, the investigation centers on how the whales use their newly observed powers.
But people at the auction houses, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the investigation centers on the fees.
The department's investigation centers on the plant's compliance with environmental, health and safety regulations, officials said.
The investigation centers on five operating room employees who were present at the time.
The Serbs deny that any such thing happened at what they call their "investigation center."
The investigation centers on 11,000 radios built for the Army at a plant near Tampa, Fla., between 1980 and 1985.
The investigation centers on whether the managers at the tracks knew about or could have stopped the criminal activity.
The Serbs called this and other camps "investigation centers" or "assembly points."
The investigation centers on "possible illegal insider trading" and other violations of securities laws, the magazine said.