The number that invest solely in funds that stick to American markets has declined 11 percent in the same period.
Because most individual investors do not invest solely in equities, it's pointless to worry only about that one asset class.
Don't invest solely because a salesman promises you a "10 percent, tax-free yield."
Given such incidents, some advisers caution against investing solely in a single-state fund.
They also avoid initial public offerings and invest solely in companies with heavy ownership by management.
The average technology fund, which invests solely in that industry, had similar losses.
Most people stick with the default 401(k) plan set up by their company, even if that plan invests solely in the company's shares.
SAY hello to the nation's first mutual fund to invest solely in initial public offerings.
Funds that invest solely in Treasury securities are super safe and produce earnings free of state taxes.
On the other hand, investing solely in cash investments may be appropriate for short-term financial goals.