Talk with Texans and they will list their own reasons for investing locally.
The funds' managers argue that investing locally gives them an advantage, because they can really get to know the companies whose stocks they own.
The church also invests locally through the Norwood community.
Professor Sassen at Columbia argues, for example, that much of the region's past prosperity was based around a middle class that spent most of what it earned and an upper class that invested locally.
Assets held and invested locally by community development financial institutions (CDFIs) based in the US totaled $41.7 billion at the start of 2010, up from $25 billion in 2007.
Many years ago regional galleries actually bought the work of regionally based artists, yes thats right they invested locally.
A year after China joined the World Trade Organization, and two decades after it began allowing foreign companies to invest locally, China is no longer the impenetrable enigma and inevitable money pit it long seemed.
One more reason they are investing locally is that the Chinese government restricts foreign imports to 20 movies a year.
Despite its glorious past and harbouring several wealthy families, people from Ath Smaïl never sought to invest locally and nowadays it is lagging severely behind other communes within the Daïra of Boghni.
That led to the emergence of dynamic Island-based banks like Franklin National and Meadowbrook National (later National Bank of North America), which grew rapidly while investing locally.