He invests such energy in these stories that whether they're really funny or not, you do your best to believe they are.
President Clinton clearly wants to secure a major accomplishment in a region where he has invested so much energy, and time is running out.
It also invested considerable energy in the reorganization of the legal system.
These are people who invest their time and energy into making a difference in their communities.
It seems a shame to invest so much time and energy in teaching students how to use applications they could probably work out for themselves.
Why invest time and energy to look back at where we've been?
It is very important to move beyond this and to invest constructive political energy in growth.
"We're still good friends, but I had learned not to invest energy in situations that just can't work," he said.
I would like to thank the rapporteur for having invested so much energy in this project.
I believe that we must invest renewed energy in this field.