An airline's inventory contains all flights with their available seats.
The inventory contains 434 items which can be scored to yield 18 scales.
An inventory should contain sufficient information to enable the unequivocal identification of an object.
With an inventory of almost 100,000 media units containing biographical data the Beethoven-Haus library is now the largest public Beethoven-related library.
The original inventory contained 120 albums, several pounds of "worthless 45's", and two top quality turntables.
Its phonemic inventory contains soft consonants and it has voicing contrast in final position.
The consonant inventory for Swampy Cree contains 11 phonemes.
Currently, the inventory of the library contains 896 monographs of which 25 are from the 17th century.
The consonant inventory for Plains Cree contains 10 or 11 sounds.
Mr. Dunn mentions that Puredrug's inventory contains a large lot of Travolene, produced at a cost of about $2 million.