Its most inventive technique is known as bubble net feeding; a group of whales swims in a shrinking circle blowing bubbles below a school of prey.
At his best, he took possession of these borrowed motifs through engineering, modern bulk-reducing material and inventive techniques.
Philip Wm. McKinley's staging strives for a cinematic flow, with scenes often fading in and out quickly, and that's about as far as a potentially inventive technique goes.
And so, faced with an array of inventive techniques in recent years, college officials find themselves in a new game of cat and mouse.
In order to do so, more inventive techniques are required to create nuclei with extreme proton/neutron ratios.
From now on, Hsin-Ming is set up for excellent environment for study and inventive techniques of teaching to help students develop multiple abilities and make the success for all.
This is Mr. Tomasson in his Jerome Robbins mood, extravagant in gesture, inventive in partnering techniques.
The Woodland Trust employs a variety of inventive techniques to help fund work to save priceless habitats, writes Helen Dunne.
The private sector has well-honed and inventive techniques for hiding profits from prying eyes.
Some critics dismissed it for low-budget productions values and depressing characters, while others praised it for the quirky performances and Christensen's inventive techniques.