The album is also notable for its inventive production and the use of a modular Moog synthesizer.
Patrick Stewart's king has plenty of paranoid power, writes Michael Billington, in this inventive and fresh production.
But this elegant, inventive production, centered on a 27-foot-long swimming pool in which the transformations occur, finds the balm in Ovid's world.
(Proposed: "When film recreates the past, the result is clearly an artistic and inventive production.")
But its endearingly modest and inventive production, which runs through Sunday, shows the work's resilience.
He won last year's Tony Award for best director with an almost preposterously inventive production of "An Inspector Calls."
Yet, even on a shoestring budget, she managed to present challenging repertory in inventive productions.
The group were well received by the music press for their melodies, whimsical lyrics, and inventive production.
The Metropolitan Opera has brought that vivid and inventive production to its repertory with mostly the same cast.
Can't you have inventive new productions that are interesting without that?