He did not link Bryland's inventive genius with the matter in question.
As to the comparatively few opponents of the soviet revolution, one can trust to American inventive genius.
Americans are unacceptably unaware of how the state's inventive genius has touched their lives.
Consider, for example, what marvelous inventive genius must have been his who first conceived the idea and then successfully created fire by artificial means.
The machine gun is the latest practical product of American inventive genius applied to war.
Truly, no other race could match the inventive genius of the skaven.
He was an inventive genius who used to assist government officials with various agricultural problems.
In the television series, he was a devoted older brother and an inventive and mechanical genius.
However, with your inventive genius, I am sure you will be able to solve the mystery of the sea.
The man was an inventive genius in the field of aviation.