The chef's inventive cooking includes such delights as mango soup and shrimp?stuffed artichokes.
Her inventive cooking initially shocked and eventually delighted "proper Bostonians."
This is particularly the case in the kitchens run by Chang, whose restless, inventive cooking requires a great deal of skill and training.
Cal's attractive, high-ceilinged space full of polished wood and brass is well complemented by the kitchen's beguiling and inventive American cooking.
And it shows in his inventive cooking.
But her inventive cooking can make you delight in feeling civilized.
Mr. Zakarian's inventive and well-focused cooking is familiar.
For equally contemporary and inventive cooking, try Sissinou (5 Avenue Foch, 0033 559 22 51 50).
At first, Mr. Sanzin's inventive cooking attracted little attention.
In the restaurant, Stéphane Carrade serves up some of the most inventive cooking in the south-west.