These inventions formed the basis for the telecommunications revolution of the late 20th century and provided the infrastructure for the internet.
This invention has provided a major opportunity for critics of "The Donkeys" to condemn the work.
The wonderful invention of the automobile has provided us independence and graced us with pleasure.
Mr. Watson says that his invention, which has cost upwards of $200,000 to develop, provides a far more elegant solution.
The invention of limited liability as a form of legal incorporation provided an important boundary between a company and its shareholders.
The invention of various new securities provided big margins for Wall Street, for a time.
Holman's invention fails that test, but provides much of the same function anyway.
Thus his invention provided a proof of principle, but no commercial integrated circuit was ever produced with Bower's method.
Newton's many inventions, discoveries and harebrained notions provide a glimpse into a legendary mind.
The invention of the motion picture in the early 1900s provided a new medium for the presentation of pornography and erotica.