He admires the huge telescope set up in the center of the space, a device invented by a professor of astronomy specifically for the fire-watchers.
Curiously, there are no other references to this supposed "Derby Porcelain Manufactory," which suggests that the name was specifically invented for the occasion.
As the guillotine was invented specifically to be humane, however, the issue was seriously considered.
The weave closely associated with white tie, and some accounts even say the fabric was invented specifically for this use.
Many of the spells are taken straight from the series, but some are invented specifically for the game.
The theory has been advanced that New Coke, as the reformulated drink came to be known, was invented specifically in response to the Pepsi Challenge.
Gold parting as a process was specifically invented to remove the silver.
It might have been specifically invented to challenge this ship's claims to invul- nerability.
The Tibetan language has terms that were specifically invented to transmit Buddhism.
The first antitrust laws were invented specifically to stop them.