The Mesopotamians were the first people to invent writing, or an alphabet!
Hermes was a Greek messenger god who was in Egyptian traditions associated with Thoth (Djehuty), the god of wisdom and time who invented writing.
A man of vigorus energy who dispensed law, standardized measures, invented writing, and conquered.
BEFORE 3000 B.C. Mesopotamians invented writing, built the first cities and originated a vigorous art style that is once again in focus in the West.
So, the messenger writes it down, thus inventing writing:
She was seen as a scribe and record keeper, and her name means she who scrivens (i.e. she who is the scribe), and is credited with inventing writing.
Thoth, God of Magick, was merely a man who invented writing, as his monuments declare clearly enough.
Records were kept on quipa, knotted ropes, since the Incas never invented writing.
(Reuters) IRAQ: SO IT IS WRITTEN - President Saddam Hussein has ordered celebrations in Iraq next year to mark 5,000 years since the Sumerians invented writing, the official news media reported.
Counting those in the bristle-cone pine establishes that some of these gnarled and twisted trees germinated over five thousand years ago at a time when man in the Middle East was just beginning to invent writing, and have remained alive throughout the entire duration of civilisation.