Those pictures you pointed out, done before your civilization invented the camera.
Kodak invented the first digital camera in the mid-1970's and holds nearly 1,000 patents related to digital photography.
It was the subject of amateur sketches and watercolors before anybody invented the camera.
In 1937, Disney invented the multiplane camera, which gave an illusion of depth to the animated world.
In 1895, he invented the biograph camera, one of the world's first motion picture cameras and at the time, the best on the market.
Kodak invented the digital camera in 1975.
Particularly when they invented the first digital camera, could see its potential, but still remained latched on to their old business model.
He invented the camera, but it is also powered by kids (having one of the kids draw whatever he saw).
In 1852, he invented the stereoscopic camera (GB patent 2064/1852).