Easter Island has been a favourite of National Geographic for years, and the cultists have had a field day inventing explanations for the mystery.
After the boy has suffered several mysterious "accidents" for which he invents unsatisfying explanations, Martyn intuits that Frank is the culprit.
Some unexplained circumstances, a few radar ghosts, hell, we're letting the fog of war do all the Chinese's work for them, inventing explanations and causes.
As for the payments continuing after Emory's death, Qwilleran could invent several explanations but accepted the most credible: Emory was still alive .
You invent simple explanations for yourself-not because they're true, but because they're useful.
I'm saying that because God's universe is far too complex for simple minds, simple minds invent simple explanations.
I invented rational explanations, and he sort of believed me; I was educated.
To make connections, invent explanations.
But we can still ask questions, invent explanations about what started it all.
On the other hand, Nisbett and Wilson (1975) argued that actors don't really know the true causes of their actions and often merely invent plausible explanations.