An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood.
We didn't just fight and win wars, we invented Hollywood and rock 'n' roll, and made jazz one of the great art forms of the world.
That process has been chronicled provocatively by Neal Gabler in his recent book "An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood."
Like Mayer, the Warner brothers and the Jewish immigrants who invented Hollywood, Mr. Jacob did not come to movies as a fine-arts connoisseur.
"Friendship is a very tenuous thing in Hollywood," said Neal Gabler, the author of "An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood."
William W. Hodkinson (known as the man to have invented Hollywood), a native of the Ogden area, initially drew the image on a napkin during a meeting in 1914.
"How is it that the country that invented Hollywood and Madison Avenue has such trouble promoting a positive image of itself overseas?"
The sign was apparently in reference to the movie historian who recently wrote "An Empire of Their Own: How The Jews Invented Hollywood."
Places like the Pig have existed since Edison invented Hollywood.
Inventing Hollywood.