The Israeli invasion of 1982, created a new balance of power which lasted till 1990.
The W.M.D. argument was not only wrong, but the invasion might have also created a new threat.
Given where we are now, the question of whether a botched invasion created a lost opportunity might be moot, except for one thing.
The US backed Ethiopian invasion created the chaos that we see today.
Many warned that an invasion would create a breeding ground for terrorism in Iraq where none had existed.
The plant's invasion has created diverse ecological, managerial, and agricultural complications making it a focus of environmental conservation efforts.
Rather, he suggested that the invasion of Iraq had created a terrorist haven where one did not previously exist.
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 created for Pakistan a real security threat on the western borders for the first time it its history.
For oil companies, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait has created a host of uncertainties about prices and supplies.
The invasion of Iraq, repeatedly stated to be part of that war, has created more dangers for America both overseas and at home.