The invasion caused a panic in oil markets and pushed up the price of gasoline by 5 cents or more a gallon.
Neither have they decided how Iraq should be made to pay for the damage its invasion has caused.
However, the recent invasion of the Emulators caused these ancient deities to recover their powers.
The civil war and the tribal invasion have caused distress for the staff.
The second Dutch invasion caused even more international outrage.
It was hoped that this invasion would cause a popular rising of the Dutch population against their republic.
The German invasion of Norway in 1940 caused construction to stop, and it was not resumed until 1947.
The invasion uprooted the sedentary tribes, and caused chaos in the area.
Although the Mongols withdrew in a year, their invasion caused destruction throughout the region.
This fish's invasion on the lake has not only caused problems with space, but problems with food supply to other fish as well.