The fair invariably represents the diversity beneath the outsider umbrella - work by mental patients, prisoners, visionaries and recluses; all stripes of self-taught artists, traditional folk artists and, occasionally, trained artists who affect a naive style.
They were locally made and varied considerably from one to another, but they invariably represented a star cut from a Mexican silver coin (usually a five-pesos coin).
The focus of the fetishists' attention is not the individual with the disability, but rather one component of their physical or mental health, one that invariably represents a weakness or exploitable position.
Information that is divorced from objects is not only incomplete; it invariably represents some kind of generalization.
For example, the mosaics of the central dome almost invariably represent one of three scenes: the Ascension, Pentecost, or Christ Pantocrator.
"If we can't trust a single electron to be precisely in one place at one time, how can we trust a throng of electrons to invariably represent the letter a on my computer screen and not turn casually into a z?"
Her questions frequently began, "Am I to understand --" and his replies invariably represented the views of some one called "we."
Since virtually all territory in New England outside of Maine is incorporated, CDPs do not really serve the same purpose as they do elsewhere; CDPs in New England invariably represent territory that is not "unincorporated", but part of a larger incorporated town.
But his work hardly presages the figurative sculpture of the 90's, which almost invariably represents the body fragmented or truncated, disturbingly distorted in form or scale, caught in one private act or another, or with its constituent parts savagely rearranged.
It should preferably be French in origin, since that may lessen potential irritation in Brussels at the fact that the acronym invariably represents an English word sequence.