The Australians were invariably greeted by record crowds and gate receipts across the country.
And when Mr. Kerry comes to a town these days, he is invariably greeted by a pounding round of attacks by Republican governors and members of Congress - aggressively orchestrated by Mr. Bush's re-election committee.
But as the New York detective walks through the corridors of police headquarters in Jerusalem, home to Israel's 27,000 police officers, he is invariably greeted as Morty, in the Hebrew he now speaks fluently, with a quip and a smile.
At museums and archaeological sites, I was invariably greeted warmly: "Where are you from?"
It was Thardo's custom to give weekly demonstrations of this power, to which the medical profession were invited, and on these occasions she was invariably greeted with a packed house.
I have never seen another driver stop for them in the city, and when I do, I am invariably greeted with a chorus of car horns.
Time will tell if any deserve the hoopla with which each is invariably greeted, over the protests of the researchers themselves.
THE films of Xavier Beauvois are invariably greeted in France with many synonyms for the word noir.
Passengers are invariably greeted by a crowd of taxi drivers offering island tours as they walk through Heritage Quay.
Dr. Coch has been purveying this message for some time, only to be received much like Cassandra, whose warnings of disaster were invariably greeted by disbelief.