But the royal poems invariably attract the most attention, and the most sniping.
Robert himself is no stranger to this; for instance, his eager, misguided dating pursuits invariably attract bizarre or dangerous women.
At a country club where I once played for a while, one weekly doubles match invariably attracted more spectators than any other.
This was an activity not much favoured at Verdun, as it invariably attracted a tornado of enemy fire.
That is, if one drinks alcoholic liquids from a large glass bottle in a public place, he will invariably attract the police.
The Nationals invariably attract a foreign contingent, primarily from Europe.
Why does it invariably attract such condemnation?
In addition, the prints are frequently overwhelmed by the show's enormous galleries, undoubtedly needed to accommodate the large crowds that Picasso's work invariably attracts.
But as those players develop, they invariably attract interest from European clubs, who face no salary-cap issues.
Of course, the events invariably attract a large number of other elected officials.