He is an invaluable guide to explaining what has made slavery's consequences so much a part of contemporary American culture and politics.
His Description of Greece is an invaluable guide to what are now ancient ruins.
This would be an invaluable rapid guide for all students writing reports on their own pottery.
Still, for future sociologists, this book will serve as an invaluable guide to the echoing chambers of the 2011 doctor's mind.
This last section constitutes an invaluable guide through a maze of records dating from 1926 through 1989.
He proved to be an invaluable guide to the intricacies of the building's architecture as well as to the legal profession itself.
Tuesday's earthquake, when analyzed, will provide an invaluable guide to confronting future ones.
But the edition also includes Schnabel's invaluable guide to the phrase structure.
These cost about $5 an hour, and the driver is likely to prove an invaluable guide.
Dave, our invaluable guide, put it starkly right from the outset.