He will bring with him invaluable expertise from the business world, as well as significant experience of senior roles in government, both of which will be essential in driving forward tough efficiency measures across Whitehall.
Bill's earlier research into supersonic flow in Australia was ideal preparation for this work, and constituted invaluable expertise and management experience for the new tasks on Concorde.
The principal characters, upper middle class at the very least, generally include at least one doctor and one lawyer, bringing their invaluable expertise to the proceedings.
His invaluable expertise contributed immensely to the Center's growth.
Nepe had kept him in- formed, and he had trained her, with the invaluable expertise of Agnes.
Since 1995 Richard has created his own consulting company, Golf Surveys Ltd, which specialises in offering clients invaluable expertise in all aspects of golf research, design, construction, marketing and operations.
For one thing, big companies with expertise in, say, networking design or nanotechnology could provide invaluable expertise if they work with the right energy start-up.
Secondly, the Commission must keep us informed about the redeployment of personnel - these people possess invaluable expertise, and we should not give it away or hide it.
There will have to be fuller use even than now of the invaluable expertise and experience of the community and that means largely the business and industrial community.
Of course, voluntary support from more members of the legal community would bring invaluable expertise and guidance as well.