We are giving every new subscriber to Outdoor Action a free copy of this invaluable book, each one personally signed by the author.
It is "a sane, even invaluable book," Roger Ebert wrote here last year.
I used to regard with contempt those people barring access to invaluable books and other items held in private collections - and here I am, kin to them.
What Noonan brings to it in this invaluable book is unblinking honesty about the record of the church to which he is deeply devoted.
Each side blamed the other for the destruction of the invaluable books it contained.
Pulling no punches, Dr. Commager achieves three things in his invaluable little book.
Yet this remains an invaluable book.
But as two invaluable books published this year make clear, there is more to performance art than scandal.
Between these limits are a Dante concordance and invaluable books on Dante, Petrarch and Vico.
An invaluable book on this subject is "Alba" by Deni Brown (Timber Press, $32.95).