"And no one would censure you very strongly for a little peccadilloes if you were known to have an invalid wife."
The topic of his invalid wife bored him, and he turned at once to Ann Veronica.
I am surprised at you, Blake, to even think of divorcing an invalid wife.
He was detained for two whole days, while his invalid wife and pretty little daughter were wellnigh distraught with anxiety.
An elderly couple lived here most recently, a scholar and his invalid wife.
Stone has told Dee that his invalid wife, who is dying, has written a play.
At the courthouse, Joshua is found not guilty of murdering his invalid wife.
It is said that around 1869, he built the first rickshaw to transport his invalid wife around the city.
He has invalid wife and attractive mistress, the latter wishing him to leave the former, which gentleman's conscience will not allow.
Ms. Johnson reports that they propose to eliminate invalid wife by end of this week.