They would invade the tunnels under Muir Island and hold Lockheed prisoner for some time.
In 1523 Scott was with the English forces which invaded northern France under the Duke of Suffolk.
The low altitude of the flights was also expected to invade the privacy of "rich and influential residents" under the flightpath.
Danes invade again, under the leadership of Hastein.
Will the public feel impelled to invade the court under the horrified eye of the chief groundsman as they mob their heroes?
Regional Bell companies could invade the long-distance telephone market more easily under a Justice Department policy.
No one would have dared invade Iraq under those circumstances-and certainly no revolution could have succeeded from within.
Oligodendrogliomas may invade preferentially around vessels or under the pial surface of the brain.
The issue of whether the United Nations should prepare in effect to invade Burundi under war powers allowed by its charter has been a delicate one.
The P'urhépecha took over the area in 1460, but the Aztecs invaded under Axayacatl.