On 3 October 1911, Italy invaded Libya as part of the Italo-Turkish War.
When the Italians invaded Libya in 1911, occupying the coast, the Senussi resisted the Italians from the interior of the country.
As the Italians invaded Libya in 1911, El Mabrouk led the Barasa against them, as the leaders of other tribes did.
And who invaded Libya then?
Immediately Wilson's forces invaded Libya.
Do you expect them to kill al-Khan or invade Libya for you?
Is this the same Egypt that the revolutionaries in the Conservative Party are calling on to invade Libya?
After the Italo-Turkish War in which Italians invaded Libya he returned to İstanbul.
When the Italians invaded Libya in 1911, Senussi leaders had no difficulty in unifying the tribes' efforts against the invaders.
In the last decade, Britain has invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya.