However, in 1915 the United States invaded Haiti and kept occupation until 1934.
Even if the United States had invaded Haiti, keeping casualties to an minimum would have been a political requirement.
President Clinton, feeling less pressure from refugees and sensing opposition at home, is having second thoughts about the urgency of invading Haiti.
Administration officials have also seriously discussed invading Haiti.
The United States invaded Haiti in 1915 and occupied the country for 19 years.
Yet if we invade Haiti we will almost certainly do so trying to minimize our mission.
Seventy-eight percent said the Administration should ask permission from Congress before invading Haiti.
"They'll never be able to make a bluff anywhere in the world if they threaten to invade Haiti and back down."
When the Americans first invaded Haiti in 1915, they stayed long enough to build up the country's infrastructure.
Members of Congress offer a variety of reasons against invading Haiti.