Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974 after a pro-Greek coup and its forces have remained there since.
August 14 - Turkey invades Cyprus for the second time, occupying 37% of the island's territory.
Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, fearing that the Greeks were trying to take over the island.
In 1974, Turkish soldiers invaded Cyprus after a coup by military officers favoring union with Greece.
The Ottoman Empire invaded Cyprus in 1570-1571 and occupied it.
Frederick sent an army in 1231, under the marshal of the Empire, which attempted to invade Cyprus.
Turkey, after failed UN meetings, invaded Cyprus on July 20.
Turkey invaded northern Cyprus in 1974 and controls 37 percent of the island.
However, during that year, Turkish forces invaded Cyprus in connection with a Greek-sponsored coup.
On 20 July 1974, Turkey invaded Cyprus in a surprise-attack, without issuing a declaration of war.